That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:9

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Acts 2:21

    The verse above from Romans shows what is needed to do to have Jesus as Lord of your life.  But what exactly does it mean to call Jesus Lord?  That means that Jesus is the one you serve, nothing else.  If you serve Jesus and believe that God raised Him from the dead you are saved.  I remember the night I did this, July 30th, 1998.  I knew that I couldn't do it alone.  I had tried everything in life I knew to do and still wasn't feeling like I was getting anywhere.  I decided to start reading the Bible figuring that would help me in my relationship with God.  I believed in God, but didn't really know what I needed to do to know Him.  What I needed was Jesus.  After reading the Gospels and speaking with a few people to help explain some things, I had a choice to make.  I could either say "this isn't for me" and continue to be frustrated like life had no meaning, or I could declare Jesus as Lord.  I prayed and invited Jesus into my life, to be my Lord, and I would try to serve Him the best I could.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20

    Does this mean I'm perfect now?  Sadly, no.  I have made many mistakes since that night and will probably make many more in my time on this earth.  But guess what?  Christ reconciled us back to God, we are now sons of God.  Does this mean you can still do whatever you want and not worry about it?  No, salvation isn't a license to sin.  By declaring Jesus as Lord you have stated that you will serve Him.  By doing whatever you want after that, Jesus isn't your Lord, is He?  I'm not saying that if you blow it, God doesn't love you anymore and you aren't saved, I don't mean that at all.  God will always love you.  So what happens if we as sons of God screw up real bad and don't do a very good job?  I don't know to be honest with you, that's up to God, but you don't lose your salvation.  I hope I'm not confusing you with this, and again, if you have questions email me using the address on the main page.

    If you would like to invite Jesus into your heart, pray now.  Tell God how sorry you are for the things of your past you regret.  Thank Him for loving you and caring about you.  Thank Him for the sacrifice made for you on the cross.  You have nothing to lose and your life to gain, a life that will never end, spent in Heaven for eternity!